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Last Updated on 16/03/2023 by Joanne Barr

Intake for the academic year 18/19 includes children whose birthday falls between 2 July 2014 and 1 July 2015 (inclusive).

Admission criteria for the Year 18/19 has been published by EA on 29th November 2017.

The application form which is available either to download from the Education Authority Website or can be provided in hardcopy from the Nursery School from 29th November 2017.

Issue of placed/unplaced letters at Stage 1 of the process will be sent by post on Thursday 26th April 2018.

Please contact the Nursery School and speak to a member of staff should you require any further information about Intake for the academic year 18/19.

Enrolment No: 26 (Full-Time)  9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Enrolment No: 52 (Part-Time) Morning Session: 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Afternoon session: 12:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

(Attendance for all sessions is 5 days per week)

Age Range: 3-4 year olds


Details of the respective functions of the Board of Governors and the Principal in relation to admission to the Nursery School.

The Board of Governors will determine the Admissions Criteria. The Criteria will be applied by a Sub-Committee of the Board of Governors.

Admissions criteria will be used in the event of the Nursery School being over-subscribed.

The criteria are listed in order of priority.

Children will be admitted according to the following statutory criteria:

  1. Children from socially disadvantaged circumstances* in their final pre-school year i.e. born between 2 July 2014 and 1 July 2015 (inclusive)
  2. Children not falling within sub-paragraph (1) in their final pre-school year; and who at the time of their proposed admission will not have a pre-school education place, whether full-time or part-time, at another school or any other premises

*”Children from socially disadvantaged circumstances” means a child whose parent is in receipt of (i) Income Support, or (ii) Income-based Job-seeker’s Allowance, or (iii) an award of Income Support which has been converted into an Employment and Support Allowance and the level of benefit remains the same, or (iv) Universal Credit. When parents apply for places for their child on this basis, they must have their application forms stamped by the Social Security/Jobs and Benefits Office to confirm that they are in receipt of a qualifying payment.

In the event of oversubscription on the application of a statutory criterion the sub-criteria will be applied in the order set down. 

Sub-criteria for children in their pre-school year:


  1. Children will be admitted in accordance with the preference for Ashgrove Nursery School as detailed on the application form i.e. those whose form indicates this Nursery School as first preference provider will be selected before those whose form indicates this Nursery School as a second or subsequent preference provider; second preferences will be selected before third or subsequent preferences etc.
  2. Children already attending this Nursery School by the closing date of application
  3. Children/grandchildren of a permanent employee or current Governor of this Nursery School by the closing date of application
  4. Children living in BT36
  5. If still oversubscribed, children will be selected on the basis of the initial letter of their surname (as entered on their current Birth Certificate) in the order set out below: (This order was determined by a randomised selection of letters generated by

D, F, U, M, G, K, H, X, J, C, T, L, O, Q, Z, V, R, Y, P, W, B, N, S, I, A, E

  • In the event of surnames beginning with the same initial letter the subsequent letters of the surname will be used in alphabetical order.
  • In the event of two identical surnames, the alphabetical order of the initial forename (as detailed on the child’s current Birth Certificate) will be used.
  • In the event of two or more identical names, selection will be made according to the one whose parents’ home is nearest to this Nursery School, as decided by walking distance from home to school using Google maps.


  1. Children who have indicated a part time place in Ashgrove Nursery School as their first preference.
  2. Children who have been unsuccessful in their first preference full time application for a place in Ashgrove Nursery School and have indicated a part time placement in Ashgrove Nursery School as their second preference.
  3. Children whose form indicates a second preference for a part time place in Ashgrove Nursery School will be selected before those whose form indicates a third or subsequence preference; third preferences will be selected before fourth or subsequent preferences etc.
  4. Children already attending the school at the closing date of application.
  5. Children/grandchildren of a permanent employee or current Governor of this Nursery School at the closing date of application.
  6. Children whose brothers and sisters, half- brothers/half- sisters, step brothers /step sisters, foster brothers/foster sisters have attended this Nursery School (full name, dates of attendance must be stipulated on application form).
  7. Children living in BT36.
  8. If still oversubscribed, children will be selected on the basis of the initial letter of their surname (as entered on their current birth certificate) in the order set out below: (This order was determined by a randomised selection of letters generated by

D, F, U, M, G, K, H, X, J, C, T, L, O, Q, Z, V, R, Y, P, W, B, N, S, I, A, E

  • In the event of surnames beginning with the same initial letter the subsequent letters of the surname will be used in alphabetical order.
  • In the event of two identical surnames, the alphabetical order of the initial forename (as detailed on the child’s current Birth Certificate) will be used.
  • In the event of two or more identical names, selection will be made according to the one whose parents’ home is nearest to this Nursery School, as decided by walking distance from home to school using Google maps.

Applicants should note that they will be required to produce proof of the child’s home address and postcode in the form of a Utility bill along with their application.  The provision of false or incorrect information or the failure to provide information within the deadlines set by the school will result in the inability of the school to offer a place/the withdrawal of a place.

When considering which children should be selected for admission, the Board of Governors will only take into account information which is detailed on or attached to the application form. Parents/Guardians should therefore ensure that all information pertaining to their child and relevant to the Nursery School’s Admission Criteria is stated on the application form or attached to it. Priority will be given to children resident in Northern Ireland at the time of their proposed admission to Ashgrove Nursery School.   

Criteria for children not in their final pre-school year 

Should places remain after the application of the above criteria to children in their final pre-school year, places will be allocated strictly in accordance with chronological ages beginning with the eldest child. These places will not be allocated until the second stage of the admissions procedure as outlined in ‘Admissions to Pre-School Education, 2018 booklet and are most likely to be afternoon Part Time places (12:15 p.m.–2:45 p.m.).

Waiting List Policy

Ashgrove Nursery School’s Policy on the consideration of applications after the Open Enrolment Admissions procedure has been completed is that should a vacancy arise, Governors will, in the following order:

  • Consider all available information with reference to children who have special personal or home circumstances. Each case will be dealt with on their own merit and must be accompanied by supporting evidence from relevant professionals.
  • Apply the original criteria to all pupils remaining on the waiting list.

Parents whose child is offered a place at this stage, will be notified by letter by the Principal who has been delegated responsibility by the Governors for this role.